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The Seal Of Autumn
Nature Collection - Since 1983

The beauty of Mother Nature palette coming to life in the fall color of our forest landscape plants. After the foliages change the shades of their wardrobes to various tones of yellow and red, they gradually float from the high places and finally rest on the ground. Born to be attached to the nature, the leaves embrace the ground with their heart beats and veins and hence dedicate the seals of their committed love to the nature.

Our products are made using natural materials and are created in away that expresses our culture, above all reflecting a permanent dialogue with nature. This, together with the skills of our artisans, results in beautiful handicrafts that appeal both to local and international markets.

The Creation of Nature

The clay lovers were inspired by the best elements from the nature, they collect different foliages and flowers.  With their unique techniques, the rich textures of the plants are recorded onto the surface of the clay.

We work mostly with natural materials giving our products a feel unique and complete as nature itself. Originated in 1983, this series of handmade artworks are fired up to 1200°C, with the inner part glazed and the textures of the plants are then accomplished by hand glazing.  Each step of the process is thoughtfully carried out in order to create distinctive and unique products with high quality.

The Making of Nature Collection


--- The Language of Nature ---